Sunday, February 5, 2012

Further Reading Sources from A Companion to Digital Humanities

Ch. 8: Literary Studies

Burrows, J.F. (1987). A Computation into Criticism. A Study of Jane Austen's Novels and an Experiment in Method. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Busa, R. (1992). Half a Century of Literary Computing: Towards a "New" Philology. Literary and Linguistic Computing 7: 69-73.

Fortier, P.A. (1991). Theory, Methods and Applications: Some Examples in French Literature. Literary and Linguistic Computing 6, 192-6.

Ch. 14: Classification and its Structures

Bowker, Geoffrey C. and Susan Leigh Star (1999). Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT P.

Svenonius, Elaine (2000). The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT P.

Ch. 16: Marking Texts of Many Dimensions

Habermas, Jurgen (1984). The Theory of Communicative Action, tr. Thomas McCarthy. Boston: Beacon Press.

McGann, Jerome (2001). Radiant Textuality: Literature after the World Wide Web. New York and London: Palgrave/St Martins.

1 comment:

  1. Add:

    What’s In A Word-List? Investigating Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction.
    Dawn Archer. (ed.). Farnham: Ashgate, 2009. 200 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7546-7240-1. £55.00 (hardback)/£49.50 (online).
    Reviewed in L&LC 25.1.
